"Super Mario." by Tom Newby Photography is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Monday, November 9, 2020

SMB - Warp Zones (Part One)

Warp Zones in Super Mario Bros. 2

How to access Warp Zones

Warp Zones in Super Mario Bros. 2 are found using a different method compared to the original Super Mario Bros. To access a warp zone, you'll have to find a potion and drop it next to a warp vase. Then a door will spawn, enter the door. After you entered the door, go into the vase and you'll warp to another level.


Warp Zones (1 & 2)

The first warp zone is in 1-3. Doing the given steps in this level will warp you to world 4. In 3-1, the warp vase takes you to world 5. At first glance, it looks like the first warp skips more than the second warp since the number of worlds skipped is more compared to the second warp. However, if you counted how many levels both warps skipped, you'll see that the warp vase in 1-3 skips six whole levels, and the warp vase in 3-1 also skips six whole levels.

Warp Zones (3 & 4)

The third warp zone is in 4-2, and using the warp vase you'll be taken to world 6. The warp vase can be found near a group of whales on a small icy platform. The potion is a far distance from the vase itself, but can be found by pulling the lonely red plant from the third platform. The fourth vase in 5-3 is the most effective warp. Taking this warp will bring you all the way to the final world, that being world 7.

Using the Warp to World 7

Finding the vase is simple. How to get to it is the tricky part. You'll need to get onto the platform high above your character by performing what's referred to as a "charged jump". This is pulled off by holding down to make your character crouch. After a while, your character will flash. Press 'A' to jump, and he'll get over the platform within reach of the potion and vase. To get the potion, pull the plant on the right. You'll know what to do from there.

Final Words.

That's all I have to say currently about Warp Zones. I'll be making new posts of the Warp Zones from Super Mario Bros. 1 & 3 quite soon. There will be a new post made on Monday, so until then, I'll cya later.

(Screenshots of Super Mario Bros 2. warp zones by MariomasterX9000)

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